Property/Liability Program
Specifically designed for Rhode Island public sector exposures and risks, The Trust’s Property/Liability Program’s coverage is considered the most comprehensive available. Coverage is constantly evaluated to ensure that Members are properly protected. Bundled coverage includes everything from Property to Auto to Equipment Breakdown, to Police Professional, Public Officials & School Board Liability, as well as specialty coverages like Cyber.
Workers’ Compensation Program
Workers’ Compensation coverage through The Trust complies fully with Rhode Island State law. As a Member of the program, you receive far more than just payment of claims and wage reimbursements. At no additional cost to Members, The Trust’s value-added benefits include targeted Loss Prevention programs and services, Public Safety Injured-On-Duty Program for police and fire personnel, expert claims management, enrollment in wellness programming and much more.
Injured-On-Duty Program
The Trust’s Injured-On-Duty (IOD) Program, unique in Rhode Island, is available as an automatic coverage enhancement for municipal Members who have Workers’ Compensation coverage and whose public safety employees fall under §45-19-1. The IOD Program reimburses municipalities for wages paid to injured public safety employees once certain levels are met, either on an individual employee basis or for the whole public safety department. The Program is designed for the Member to be responsible for expected and foreseeable losses while The Trust provides protection against any catastrophic or unusual losses.
Health Pool
Meeting the diverse needs of Trust Members, the Health Pool, in partnership with Blue Cross Blue Shield of RI, provides a comprehensive spectrum of health plan options that can be tailored to meet the individual needs of each Trust Member. From significant savings on prescription drug costs through CVS Caremark, to cost control strategies, The Trust’s Health Pool is designed to help Members better manage the rising cost of health care services.
Transparency & Coverage Requirements
In compliance with the Transparency in Coverage Rule, which was issued by the Federal Government in 2020, health insurance companies and self-funded group health plan sponsors are required to make certain specific pricing information publicly available. These requirements will be rolled out in three phases:
Phase One – Effective July 1, 2022, Machine-Readable Files (MRFs) containing in-network provider charges and out-of-network allowed amounts and billed charges, must be made publicly available.
The link to these files is available on the Blue Cross Blue Shield of RI website at https://www.bcbsri.com/developers.
For more information about these files, please reference these “FAQs” (see read these FAQs link on BCBSRI website)
Enforcement of the Transparency in Coverage Final Rules’ requirement that insurers and plan sponsors make publicly available MRFs relating to prescription drug pricing is pending further rulemaking.
Phase Two – Currently slated for 2023, consists of an internet-based self-service comparison pricing tool allowing consumers to obtain cost estimates for many of the common covered services from specific providers
Phase Three – Currently slated for 2024, expansion of the internet-based tool to include all covered services
Dental Pool
In partnership with Delta Dental, the Dental Pool features excellent treatment and coverage through a comprehensive dental network with a focus on preventative care. The Trust’s Dental Pool is committed to providing the greatest value in dental benefits to Trust Members by controlling claim costs and leveraging the buying power of all participating Member entities, leading to lower administrative costs and greater premium stability.
Group Life Program
In partnership with Securian, the Group Life Program combines the benefits of economies of scale in pricing and plan design flexibility enjoyed by large employers, with the financial stability and reputation for excellence of both The Trust and Standard Insurance Company.
Other Post-Employment Benefits Program (OPEB)
In partnership with Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS), The Trust’s OPEB Program provides public sector entities with a trusted, cost-effective solution to proactively address OPEB liabilities and risks. This turn-key Program handles all the upfront legal work and has no fees to join. Simply sign and start funding!
Health Matters Wellness Program
Health Matters delivers wellness unlike any other. The goal is to educate and inspire healthy lifestyle choices, both in and outside of the workplace, from a whole person mind, body and spirit perspective. More than just an employee wellness program, Health Matters is helping Members create and foster a true culture of wellness in their workplace in order to effectively support the needs of their employees. Health Matters is not a cookie-cutter wellness program, but rather one that takes each Member’s individualized needs into consideration. With specialized programming, Health Matters is able to address the unique needs of public sector employees not only from an injury prevention standpoint, but also in terms of leading a healthier and happier life.

Special Event Insurance
GatherGuard provides insurance coverage to third parties (individuals, groups, organizations, etc.) who wish to use public facilities owned by Trust Members for “special events” such as meetings, weddings, receptions, festivals, and sporting events. It provides low-cost general liability insurance, protecting both the user and the facility against claims by guests
who may be injured as a result of attending the event.
The third party (individual, group or organization) can obtain a quote and/or purchase TULIP insurance coverage directly online at www.gatherguard.com using a credit card.